Octavian Bădescu

Economist. Manager. Entrepreneur.
Author of the book "Time - Resource and Currency".
Octavian Bădescu
Octavian Bădescu

Octavian Bădescu

Economist. Manager. Entrepreneur.
Author of the book "Time - Resource and Currency".

Octavian Bădescu is a 49-year-old economist with over 20 years of managerial and entrepreneurial experience and a relatively significant presence in the public sphere.

Between 1994 and 2006, he graduated from ASE (Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems / Enterprise Management and Financial Analysis department), SNSPA (Faculty of Communication and Public Relations), and attended EMBA courses organized by INDE/ASE and CNAM Paris, with his dissertation topic being “Time as Currency.”

An entrepreneur in the services sector and an investor, mainly in real estate, a former RE/MAX franchise owner, Octavian Bădescu has been an International REALTOR and owner of consultancy (mainly real estate) and support service companies operating under the Freedom Group brand since 2017. He was named “Real Estate Broker of the Year, New to the Market” at the 2018 Gala of the Real Estate Professionals Club (CPI). He also personally provides consultancy and support, primarily in real estate transactions, being involved in evaluation, promotion, and negotiation projects, especially for properties of significant value. He specializes in “exclusive representation” (representing only one party in the transaction), and in 2023 he represented the owner in the evaluation, promotion, and negotiation process for the iconic “Central Hotel” building in Ploiești. More details can be found at badescu.realestate.

Throughout his career (2003 - present), Octavian Bădescu has been involved as a founder and/or manager in several entrepreneurial projects in fields such as courier services, market research, direct marketing, online, and real estate. However, the most notable are Sameday Courier (the first courier company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange) and Retailplus Eastern Europe, companies acquired by eMAG’s owner company and a company belonging to the Nielsen group, respectively. He is the creator of the “Lokko” product - a mobile app and order management system - integrated into Sameday Courier in 2017. This product won the “Innovation of the Year” award in 2014 at two galas in the e-commerce and courier sectors.

He was involved for a period in the project generically called “private management in state-owned companies,” serving as Director of PrioriPost at the National Post Company (2013) and later as a member of the Board of Directors of ELCEN Bucharest (2016).

He actively engaged in various projects related mainly to entrepreneurship and youth training, in collaboration with organizations such as Romanian Business Leaders. He participates as a speaker in various contexts, an activity facilitated by his three years (1999-2001) of teaching experience as a professor at a post-secondary economic school, where he taught “Finance,” “Marketing,” and “Organizational Management.”

Over time, he sought to contribute socially and in political projects, engaging in various forms, and in 2020 he ran as an independent candidate for the position of General Mayor of Bucharest.

An enthusiastic supporter of free-market virtues, monetary discipline, property, and freedom, he is concerned with optimal ways of preserving value at the individual level, the efficient organization of society in general, institutional architecture, and the optimization of public resource management. At the same time, he is a declared opponent of various forms of state/corporate totalitarianism. Octavian Bădescu has numerous television appearances and has published several hundred articles - viewpoints on real estate, entrepreneurial, managerial, economic, social, and political topics - since 2012.

He is the author of the books “For a Golden Romania” (2022) - where, starting from and developing certain ideas of the Romanian scholar Acad. Ec. Anghel Rugină, he presents the principal bases of a community governance program at any level, highlighting the importance of subsidiarity, budgetary discipline, competition, and the free market, all centered around a real, backed currency - and “Time - Resource and Currency” (2023) - where he delves into the monetary component of governance, emphasizing its decisive importance. The work also presents a practical and modern alternative to the current form of the monetary system, a disruptive innovation based on creating a currency correctly architected from an economic perspective, backed by resources and linked to “time,” around which an institutional system of community governance can be (re)constructed ethically, at both local and central levels.

The doctrinal foundation of such an alternative and/or complementary monetary system, characterized by fairness and balance, is exemplified in practice through the prized social project with disruptive innovation character, “Minute Bank,” and can be found here.

Communities can integrate this system to strengthen ties among members and prosper, as explained here.

Moreover, he is the first user of the Minute Bank who has accepted that many of his resources (in a broad sense) offered can be paid for (partially or fully) by his clients in quantities of gold, silver, or time (through its monetary representation - MIN).

Characterized by acquaintances as a “practical philosopher” and a “discourse owner,” most of Octavian Bădescu’s opinions - especially those concerning economic philosophy and governance strategy - reflect free thinking and his own vision, also based on philosophical, doctrinal, and economic theory elements inspired by prestigious thinkers from the past, both Romanian and foreign.

Including in his work “Economics for All” (2024) and in the TV show of the same name he produced, Octavian Bădescu advocates for a “third way” in economic thought, which he calls “distributive capitalism” - a path based on a fair competitive market, served by a “real” currency, equitably distributed, both secured within a suitable fiscal, institutional, and regulatory framework. Some of the solutions he proposes are considered by some as visionary but unlikely to be implemented. However, most reflect a reformist perspective, unencumbered by prejudice, advocating a return to “natural fundamentals” and openness to bold, atypical, innovative approaches - as preconditions for progress.

Certain relevant materials can be accessed through search engines, his LinkedIn page, or his YouTube channel. Direct contact can also be made through the methods mentioned here, and his projects can be supported here.

"I care about positioning, differentiation. I believe in flexibility. I care about ethics in business and interpersonal relations. I care about quality. I believe in the power of example. I build long-term strategies, I take calculated risks and I don't give up on my dreams."